
Shlomit is a community of 234 children and 140 adults located a few miles from the borders of Egypt and Gaza. Since it's founding 15 years ago, the community has managed to turn a barren desert into a thriving agricultural community. Working closely with JNF, Shlomit has now built homes for their families, playgrounds, schools, a health facility and an aquatics center.

Two years ago, the community embarked on a major investment to build a Maztah factory where the wheat from their fields could be combined with water from Jerusalem. The community named their Matzah 'Emunah Matzah', for the Hebrew word meaning faith or commitment. The Matzah is handmade by community members under the strictest Shmora regulations under the supervision of Badatz Mehadrin of Rav Rubin. 2024 was set to be the year of major expansion for this endeavor...before the war started.

For five months after October 7th, the community was evacuated to Jerusalem. Even before the families could return, volunteers came back to the community to begin preparing Matzah for 2024. Please consider supporting the community by making a donation and starting a passover tradition of celebrating our freedom with Matzah from the very frontlines of Israel's struggle for survival.